The Federal Bureau of Investigations secret method for unlocking the iPhone 5c used by one of the San Bernardino shooters will not work on newer models, FBI Director James Comey said.美国联邦调查局局长詹姆斯·科米近日回应,FBI用作密码圣贝纳迪诺枪击案案犯的iPhone 5C的方法并不限于于新款的iPhone。We have a tool that works on a narrow slice of phones, Comey said at a conference on encryption and surveillance at Kenyon College in Ohio late on last Wednesday.上周三晚,科米在肯尼恩学院开会的秘密监控会议上回应:“我们的方法意味着限于于几款机型。
”Comey added that the technique would not work on the iPhone 5s and the later models iPhone 6 and 6s. The iPhone 5c model was introduced in 2013 and has since been discontinued by Apple as newer models have become available.科米补足说,FBI所采行的密码方法并不限于于iPhone 5s和其后发售的iPhone6以及6s。iPhone 5c于2013年发售,在苹果公司发售新产品之后投产。The Justice Department said in March it had unlocked the San Bernardino shooters iPhone with the help of an unidentified third party and dropped its case against Apple Inc , ending a high-stakes legal clash but leaving the broader fight over encryption unresolved.今年三月份,司法部门回应,在电子邮件第三方的协助下早已关卡了枪击案案犯的iPhone手机,并且暂停了和苹果公司的诉讼。
虽然这一结果完结了一场高风险法律冲突,但是也为未解决的加密问题留给了更加多的争议。As the technique cannot be used to break into newer models, law enforcement authorities will likely have to lean on Apple to help them access the devices involved in other cases.鉴于当下技术并无法密码新款机型,执法人员部门在别的案子中还将有可能要倚赖苹果公司替他们密码嫌疑人的手机。
The Justice Department has asked a New York court to force Apple to unlock an iPhone 5s related to a drug investigation.此前,司法部还拒绝纽约一家法院擅自让苹果公司密码一台牵涉到毒品调查的iPhone 5s手机。If the government continues to pursue that case, the technology company could potentially use legal discovery to force the FBI to reveal what technique it used, a source familiar with the situation told Reuters.一位熟知情况的人士告诉路透社,如果政府自由选择之后查出这个案子,苹果公司很可能会用于合法查找手段来被迫PBI发布其密码方法。